At Citi Del of Praise, we believe in the power of prayer and the importance of lifting each other up in times of need. If you need prayer, we have several ways for you to reach out and receive support from our church family.
Ways to Request Prayer:
Call Us:
You can call the church office at (915) 247-7377 to speak with someone who will pray with you and for you. We are here to listen and support you in your time of need.
Send an Email:
You can send your prayer requests via email to Our dedicated prayer team will receive your request and lift you up in prayer.
Join Us at Events:
We invite you to join us at any of our church events, where you can receive prayer in person. Whether it's during our Sunday Worship Service, Wednesday Bible Study, Monday Manna, WOW prayer or any other church gathering, there will always be someone available to pray with you.
At Citi Del of Praise, we are committed to walking with you through every season of life. Whether you're facing a difficult situation or simply need someone to pray with you, we are here for you. Don't hesitate to reach out—your church family is ready to stand with you in prayer.
Scripture Encouragement:
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." — Mark 11:24 (ESV)
We look forward to praying with you and seeing how God works in your life.